I woke up bright and early this morning for one reason.
Lilly Pulitzer.
At Target.
For regular-people prices!
Can you believe it?
I cannot. I still can't believe it happened.
I got up at about 5:00. I tried to go back to sleep but I was too excited. It was like Christmas morning for a child. Except it is April. And I am a grown-up (still not sure how that happened, but I pay bills so I guess I am a grown up).
I tried to stay in bed longer but finally gave up at 6:30. I got dressed and was out the door by 6:45.
I got to Target a little before 7:10 and joined the queue.
There were only a few people in line. A lady with her daughter, another older-ish lady, and three college students.
Then me!!!
My friend KP took a picture, when I can get it from her I will upload it. I could watch the Target employees stocking the items while I waited. It was so fun!
I made new friends in the 45 minutes we waited for the store to open. Isabella and I plotted to get items for each other. We had a game plan to go to different sections and meet up.
But let me tell you, once those doors opened it was every lady for herself!
I searched for the M or L on the hanger as fast as I could and loaded up!!!
All of the clothing was right past the dollar spot.
Then I headed toward accessories to get bags and scarves, then to the beauty department for cosmetic bags. I swung back around to hit up the home goods section but all that was left was a giant floor pillow.
Don't worry. I got it.
I then met up with the ladies who were in line by me at the dressing room.
This was key to my success.
We waited for people to come out of the dressing room to discard their items. It was also just a nice place to meet up with everyone where everyone could sort through their stuff and see what they wanted and what to trade.
A nice lady gave me one of her towels, another gave me a weekender bag, a third gave me a shirt that was too big on her (fit me perfect) that I was able to trade another lady from the line for a shift dress. I also gave away a pants romper that I picked up thinking it was a maxi dress, and a head scarf. When I would I wear that? Never.

Want to see what I got?
First up is the floor pillow. I kinda wish I had grabbed two now.... but really one is enough. ;o) It is bright and cheery and I plan on taking this bad boy outside to sit on while Wyatt plays with his trucks.
This is the bag I got from my new friend Isabella. It is rather large, has two handles and a shoulder strap. I also have a coordinating small zipper bag that I didn't photograph that I tossed inside.
This is the shopping tote. I LOVE the colors. I already stuffed it with a towel and blanket to keep in the car. :o)
Towel and Outdoor Blanket
Here is the outdoor blanket spread out. It covers by entire bed (king sized). It is very thick white fabric with gold stripes. The fabric has a subtle texture to it that I love. I went back and forth between the white one and the hot pink one in the store. I ultimately decided this blanket would get filthy outside. If I got white I could bleach the stains out. If I got pink, I would be stuck with stains.
Here is the towel unfolded. It has a flamingo print on the front and the back is solid green. It is SOOOOO soft! I needed another towel, so this was a great find. I wish I had grabbed two of these also... but since I got this one from a lady who had them all in her cart, I suppose I am just thankful to have gotten one! I think I will embroider my name on it. :o)
Here are the accessories I got. I grabbed the good hair band set. The hair bands match many prints I got. The nail polish is in two colors I wear often and who can't use another nail file? I am keeping one lip gloss and returning the other because the color is horrid on me.

Here are the items I grabbed last minute for the daughter i don't have. I think I am going to return the top all the way to the right because I thought I had shorts that went with it and now they are gone. The shirt by itself looks like something I could find at Gymboree. I also may take back the swimsuit because it is starting to look a little generic to me. However, I will be keeping the tiny shift dress and the itty bitty shorts that match my palazzo pants. How cute will my future daughter (who doesn't exist) and I look in our matching Lily?!
Yes, I know how ridiculous I sound.
That is why I am going to return half of it. ;o)
I SCORED with this scarf. I LOVE it. It is my print and I can see myself wearing this all the time. Best part is, it can be worn several different ways, including as a beach wrap.
Clearly I love this print, I also got a cosmetic bag with two zippers. I already stuffed this one for potty training. I have two pull-ups and wipes in one half and a pair of extra shorts, underwear, and a ziploc bag in the other half!
Here are my matching palazzo pants. They are a bit long, so they may go to my mom.
This top is actually much cuter in person than I originally thought. I clearly need to wear a cami with it unless I want to show the world my boobs... which I don't.
Fuzzy picture. Sorry. I traded a shirt for this dress. Score! It is a bit snug, but the fabric is to die for and I think I look pretty great in it. :o)
This needs a new home. I cannot pull off the romper look. It just isn't me. Also, I don't like yellow or orange. Maybe someone out there is looking for this? Otherwise I will send it back to the store.
LOVE this dress! It is just so me. I don't care if it does look like I am wearing a tent. I will wear a tent with pride! Perhaps some heels would help this dress look less tent-ish. DSW here I come!
Clearly I have no shame. First I posed the back of the Amish dress from Stitch Fix that shows my big butt and back rolls. This suit does not work for me. My boobs don't fit in the designated boob area. I have already sold this bad boy on facebook!
I was coveting this cover up as soon as I saw the look book. Unfortunately this was on the wrong hanger and was actually a size XXL. Oops! Oh well. Cover ups are supposed to be roomy, right? I could always take in the sides if I feel like it is necessary. I love it.
Last, I scored these adorable shorts. They are a silky material and drape nicely. I think the pom pom detail is so cute and I love how the back laps over the front to add more detail.
Someday I will learn to take pictures that aren't fuzzy. It was also raining cats and dogs outside when I took these so the lighting is horrible. Sorry!