Sunday, January 21, 2018

80 Day Obsession

It might be time to dust off this old blog. ::cough cough::
Sorry, some dust got in my mouth.
It's been a while.
I have started something new and I am really enjoying it so I thought I would document it here.
A week ago I began participating in a Beta test group of 80 Day Obsession.
I took my scary before photos.
I cried.
Guys, I look way better under all my clothes and inside my head. The reality hurts.
I think this might be part of why we take before photos.
The worst (or best?) part of this is that I am already down 20 lbs from last year.
I took my measurements. Not fun, but I don't really have any concept of what they should be so, meh.
The challenging part of this program is that it doesn't just include working out each day but also timed nutrition. Guys. This might be the key to why I have been successful so far.
There is a nutrition block around your workout time.
I want to workout before school.
I need to shower and get ready at 6:30 to be out the door on time, and some of the workouts are 60 minutes long so I need to start working out at 5:30.
BUT I am supposed to eat an hour before I workout. Which means 4:30. In the morning.
I have done it all week. And I am still alive.
I think somehow this has kept me going. I wake up before the sun and eat. But the starts the clock. I can't just go back to bed! The timer is running!
So, I prep food for the day, pack my lunch, visualize my day and make my to do list, start a load of laundry.
Then it is time for my Energize supplement 20-30 minutes before I workout.
At that point I go down to the basement with my computer (since the workout is on Beachbody on Demand online).
Well, I still have 20ish minutes to kill. So I say my affirmations, read my Bible, have some quiet time. [Anyone who has read Miracle Morning may realize that I have just completed all of the SAVERS suggested by him other than exercise... Next thing I know it it time to push play.
Energize gets me ready to push the button and get going.
Knowing I don't want to screw up my timed nutrition makes me keep going.
In fact, on day three I REALLY didn't want to get out of bed and started trying to mentally figure out how I could move my meals around and work out later in the day. It was so much work I just got up. And you know what? I'm glad I did!
So now that I have completed a full week I ordered some workout clothes from Fabletics as a reward. And I realized my shoes suck for these workouts and I ordered a new pair designed for cross training-- but I feel like that was more of a necessity.

I just finished meal planning for week two and need to head out to the grocery store to get everything I need.
But, I took my measurements again today. Just out of curiosity.
I have lost 2.5 inches.
1 inch in my waist alone.
In 1 week.

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