Wednesday, March 2, 2011


We finally got our typed up home study, and our biography for the web, and our biography that will be passed out to potential birth moms! Sparky had to add more to his sections for the biography that gets passed out. He did well. We also had to name people we are considering for custody in case we die. Morbid.
We signed a paper saying everything looks good/correct in the home study. Wrote another hefty check. And now it is all sitting together in a lovely little envelope all addressed waiting for a stamp. I guess it will go out in tomorrow's mail because I can't find a stamp anywhere!
Then... we are actively waiting!
What an oxymoron. How can you actively wait?
Someone could pick us tomorrow (well probably not tomorrow, I gotta give the letter time to arrive). Or someone could not pick us for a LONG time. Like years.
The average wait time is 9-10 months for us with this agency.
That would be December or January. Hopefully next Christmas we will have a baby. If not a baby, perhaps a match and an idea of who our baby will be.

I keep getting these premonitions that we will get matched with a boy. I don't know if this is because I secretly really want a little girl to dress up in all things frilly, pink, and girly-- or if I really want a boy. Maybe it is because adorable girl stuff is really easy to find. But cute boy stuff takes searching, patience, and a keen eye. Anyway, while I have time to kill I have been searching for the cute boy stuff.

So I am guessing that by Friday I will really really be actively waiting. Like for real. Just waiting for someone to call me. With a baby. Squee!


Lauren said...

Yay! I am so excited! Good Luck! How could anyone not pick you! Yay for actively waiting!

will + adri said...

So excited for you guys! We are quickly following down your trail and working to complete our last batch of paperwork before a meeting we have to attend on April 1st. Such happy times!

Enjoy each other while you wait. People keep telling me this, and I keep thinking we've done that chapter, but then when we go out to eat and I hear a screaming baby I remember to relish our time together because things will never ever be this way again.