Sunday, January 30, 2011

Home Visit- Follow up

Our social worker just left our house. About two hours after she got here.
I stressed about nothing. Just as I expected.
She came into the house, sat down, opened her computer and we got started.
She began by warning us that some of the questions are really weird. Like: Have you experienced the death of someone within the past year you are trying to replace by adopting? Um... no.  Do people do that?
She also was required to make sure we understood that the baby we adopt won't stay a baby forever. It will eventually become an older child, a teenager, then an adult. Well, I would certainly hope so!
She also asked us pretty much the same questions that we were asked in our office interview. Our parents names, ages, occupations, if we like them. How did they discipline us? Did we find their discipline to be age appropriate? (yes.)
What are some childhood memories we each had, what activities were we involved in during high school, did we go to public school, what values did our parents pass on.... etc.

It was pretty easy. Since we had already answered all of these questions in the office visit, the answers were easier to remember/think of.

When she finished typing everything she took a quick "tour" of the house. She leaned forward to see into the kitchen and bath. We walked upstairs and she glanced into our bedroom and the bathroom, and glanced into the baby room. That was it. Definably not worthy of deep cleaning. Oh well.

She did not eat any cupcakes or drink anything. So Sparky and I are now enjoying some cupcakes and coffee. :o)

Now we wait for 4-6 weeks for our official home study document to come in the mail for us to check over. Once we sign it and send it back we will be officially "waiting" for someone to choose us!


Lauren said...

This is so exciting! I am so happy for you!

will + adri said...

So thankful to hear this story as it is totally something I've been stressing about already!

Cannot wait until you are on to the next to last stage!

Unknown said...

I found your blog through Kelly's Korner. I'm an adoption/foster care social worker in Louisiana for a faith based non profit. I do home studies for both domestic and international adoptions. I tell my families to not panic about the home study process, that's it not a white glove test to see if your house is spotless and it's just to be sure your child won't be sleeping in a cardboard box. :)

Two books you might want to check out are "Twenty Things Adopted Children Wish Their Parents Knew" and "The connected Child" by Dr. Karyn Purvis. The Connected Child is an EXCELLENT book on attachment, bonding, and brain development in the womb, etc. and it's written in a way that you can understand it. I hope you will soon have a post that has great news!
