Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Decisions, decisions, decisions

My mom and dad know some people who just adopted an adorable baby girl. So my mom called them to see which agency they used. Guess what. They didn't use an agency! They used

wait for it

wait for it


They sent out a message to everyone they know, letting them know that they wanted to adopt and to think of them if they know anyone who has an unplanned pregnancy and is considering doing an adoption plan.
Four months later they got a phone call about someone in the northern part of the state. Two months after that, the woman gave birth and they got to take the little girl home.
They saved a TON going this route. It was about $1500 for the homestudy and about $1200 for the legal documents. That really beats the $25000+ adoption agencies charge.
So Sparky and I have decided to give it a try for the next six months and see what happens. We will send out a message to everyone we know on facebook and wait around for the next six months. If we haven't heard anything by then, I will have time to finish my master's degree and then we can pick an agency.

Who knows, maybe this first round of climid etc worked (by miracle) and we won't need to go through any of this...

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